The Lion’s Strength

Opening Verse


“The old lion perisheth for lack of prey, and the stout lion’s whelps are scattered abroad.”
– Job 4:11 KJV


In our lives, we often rely on our strength and resources. We believe that as long as we are strong, we will never lack anything. But the Bible teaches us that even the mightiest can falter.

Devotional Story

There once was a mighty lion, feared by all the animals in the jungle. His roar could be heard for miles, and his strength was unmatched. The lion always had plenty of prey and was the king of the jungle. However, as time passed, the lion grew old and weaker. His once powerful roar became faint, and he could no longer hunt as he used to. Soon, the prey he relied on became scarce, and the young lions that followed him were left to fend for themselves.

What This Means

This story mirrors the verse from Job. No matter how strong or capable we are, without the right sustenance, we too can falter. Our strength is not solely in our physical or worldly power but in our reliance on God. When we depend on our own abilities, we may find ourselves lacking. But when we depend on God, He provides for us in ways we cannot imagine.

Think About This

– What are the things you rely on for strength in your life?
– How often do you turn to God for sustenance and guidance?
– Are you prepared to trust God even when you feel strong and capable?


Dear Lord, thank you for being our provider and our strength. Help us to remember that no matter how strong we feel, we need you every day. Teach us to depend on you and trust in your provision. May we always seek your guidance and rely on your strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing.”
– Psalm 34:10 KJV

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