The Heart of Obedience

Opening Verse

 “If ye love me, keep my commandments.” – John 14:15


In the journey of faith, obedience is a key element that reflects our love and devotion to God. It’s a tangible expression of our trust in His wisdom and sovereignty.

Devotional Story

Once there was a woman named Chen who, despite her deep faith, struggled with obedience. She felt that some of God’s commandments were too difficult or irrelevant in the modern world. One day, while reading the Bible, Chen  stumbled upon the story of Noah. She was struck by Noah’s unwavering obedience to God, building an ark in a land where rain was scarce and enduring ridicule from her community. Chen realized that Noah’s obedience was not just about following orders; it was about trust in God’s plan and love for Him.

Motivated by this story, Chen began to change. She started with small acts of obedience, like being more honest in her interactions and dedicating time for prayer and Bible study. Gradually, these small acts grew into a lifestyle. Chen found that with each step of obedience, her relationship with God deepened, and she experienced a profound sense of peace and purpose.

What This Means

Obedience to God isn’t always easy or convenient, but it is always rewarding. It strengthens our relationship with Him and aligns us with His will, leading to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Think About This

Consider areas in your life where you struggle with obedience. Reflect on how aligning these areas with God’s will might change your perspective and bring you closer to Him.


Dear Lord, grant me the strength and wisdom to be obedient to Your word. Help me to trust in Your plan, even when it’s difficult, and to show my love for You through my actions. Amen.

Closing Verse

“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.” – Revelation 22:14

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