The Enemy Doesn’t Want You in Church

Opening Verse


“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)


The church is a vital part of a Christian’s life, providing fellowship, support, and spiritual growth. Yet, there are many distractions and obstacles that can keep us from attending. These hindrances are not mere coincidences; they are deliberate attempts by the enemy to isolate us from our faith community.

Devotional Story

Sarah loved attending church every Sunday. It was a time for her to worship, learn, and connect with other believers. But lately, she noticed a pattern: every Sunday morning, something would come up. Her alarm wouldn’t go off, she’d feel unusually tired, or unexpected plans would arise. These constant disruptions started to weaken her resolve. One Sunday, determined to attend, she pushed through the excuses and made it to church. There, the sermon spoke directly to her situation, reminding her that these distractions were not just random but were efforts by the enemy to keep her from the blessings of gathering with fellow believers.

What This Means

The enemy understands the power of community and the strength we draw from being together in faith. He knows that in isolation, our struggles can feel insurmountable. Attending church is not just a routine; it’s a lifeline, a source of encouragement, and a place where we grow stronger in our faith. By recognizing these tactics, we can better prepare ourselves to overcome them and remain steadfast in our commitment to worship together.

Think About This

What obstacles have you faced that keep you from attending church? How can you prepare to overcome these challenges? Remember, the enemy wants to keep you isolated, but God wants you in fellowship with other believers.


Heavenly Father, I recognize the importance of gathering with my church family. Help me to see and overcome the obstacles that the enemy places in my path. Strengthen my resolve to attend church regularly and to encourage others to do the same. Thank You for the gift of community and the blessings that come from worshiping together. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse


“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:”
– Hebrews 10:24 (KJV)

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