The Nearness of God

Opening Verse


“The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth.”_

—Psalms 145:18 (KJV)



God is never far from us. He is always ready to listen, to guide, and to comfort those who sincerely seek Him. This verse assures us that our cries do not fall on deaf ears.


Scripture Insight

Psalms 145:18 emphasizes the nearness of God to those who call upon Him in truth. The phrase “call upon Him in truth” highlights the importance of sincerity and faithfulness in our prayers. It’s not just about asking for help; it’s about seeking God with a genuine heart, knowing that He is the ultimate source of all that we need.


Personal Reflection


Have you ever felt distant from God, as if He was not listening? This verse reassures us that when we approach Him with a sincere heart, He is closer than we might realize. God desires a relationship with us that is based on truth and honesty.


Practical Application


Take time today to examine your heart. Are you calling upon God with sincerity? Set aside any distractions and approach Him with genuine faith. Speak to Him openly about your needs, fears, and hopes, trusting that He is near and listening.


Spiritual Encouragement


God is always near, ready to respond when we call out to Him in truth. No matter what situation you face, remember that His presence is just a prayer away. Trust in His nearness and let your faith be strengthened by the assurance that He hears you.


Closing Verse


“Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded.”

—James 4:8 (KJV)