The Mountains Melt Like Wax

Opening Verse

“The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.” (Psalm 97:5, KJV)


In the scriptures, we find vivid imagery that describes the might and power of our Lord. One such image is found in Psalm 97:5, where it says the hills melted like wax at the presence of the Lord. This verse serves as a powerful reminder of God’s supreme authority over all creation.

Devotional Story

Imagine a mountain, strong and immovable, a symbol of stability and endurance. Now, picture that same mountain melting away like wax before a flame at the presence of our Almighty God. This imagery helps us understand the overwhelming power and holiness of God. In the Bible, mountains often represent obstacles, challenges, or even nations. When these mountains melt before the Lord, it signifies that nothing can stand against His will and presence.

What This Means

This verse reassures us that God’s power is unmatched. No matter what obstacles we face, no matter how insurmountable they may seem, they will melt away in the presence of God. This gives us confidence to trust in Him, knowing that He is in control and that His presence changes everything. We can take comfort in knowing that nothing is too difficult for the Lord.

Think About This

When you encounter challenges that seem as unmovable as mountains, remember Psalm 97:5. Reflect on the power and presence of God in your life. Ask yourself, do you trust Him to melt away the obstacles you face? Do you believe that He is powerful enough to change your circumstances? Let this verse remind you of His supreme authority and let it strengthen your faith.


Heavenly Father, we come before You acknowledging Your great power and authority. We thank You that in Your presence, even the mightiest of obstacles melt away. Help us to trust in Your strength and to rely on Your presence in every situation. May we always remember that nothing is too difficult for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth.” (Psalm 97:5, KJV)