Saviors on Mount Zion

Opening Verse

And saviors shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.
— Obadiah 1:21 (KJV)


In the book of Obadiah, a powerful vision is presented about the future restoration and triumph of God’s people. This verse speaks of saviors arising on Mount Zion, bringing justice and declaring the Lord’s dominion.

Devotional Story

Imagine a small village that had been overrun by enemies for years. The villagers lived in fear, oppressed and hopeless. One day, a group of brave individuals from within the village rose up. They decided enough was enough. With courage and unity, they drove out the oppressors and restored peace. These individuals were not trained warriors but ordinary people who were moved by their love for their home and their determination for justice.

In many ways, this mirrors the prophecy in Obadiah. God promises that there will be those who rise up for His cause, bringing justice and proclaiming His reign. These saviors are not extraordinary by the world’s standards, but they are empowered by God’s Spirit to fulfill His purpose.

What This Means

God calls each of us to be a part of His redemptive plan. Like the villagers, we may feel unqualified or ordinary, but God sees potential in us. He empowers us to stand for righteousness and justice in our own spheres of influence. The kingdom of God is established through ordinary people like you and me when we act in faith and obedience.

Think About This

  • What areas in your life or community need God’s justice and restoration?
  • How can you be a “savior” in your own context, bringing light and hope?
  • Reflect on times when God has used you despite your feelings of inadequacy.


Dear Lord, thank You for calling me to be a part of Your kingdom work. Help me to see where I can bring Your justice and love into my community. Empower me by Your Spirit to act with courage and faith. Use my ordinary life for Your extraordinary purposes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
— 1 Corinthians 15:57 (KJV)