Only God Can Do That

Opening Verse

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”
Luke 1:37 (KJV)


There are moments in life when we face challenges so overwhelming that no human effort can seem to solve them. These are the times when we must remember that there are some things that only God can do. His power is beyond anything we can imagine, and when He steps in, the impossible becomes possible.

Devotional Story

There was once a small church that had struggled for years with financial difficulties. Despite their best efforts, they couldn’t seem to make ends meet. They prayed, fasted, and sought help from various sources, but nothing changed. The situation grew dire, and the church was on the brink of closing its doors.

One day, an elderly woman who had been a member of the church for decades stood up during a service. With tears in her eyes, she shared a dream she had the night before. In the dream, she saw the church filled with people worshiping and praising God, and there was a great sense of joy and peace. She said that in the dream, God told her, “I will provide.”

The congregation was moved by her words and felt a renewed sense of hope. They decided to gather that evening for a prayer meeting, asking God to do what only He could do. As they prayed, there was a knock on the church door. A man they had never seen before walked in and handed the pastor an envelope. Without saying a word, he turned and left.

The pastor opened the envelope and found a check for a large sum of money—enough to pay off all the church’s debts and even start new ministries. The congregation was amazed and overjoyed. They knew without a doubt that only God could have orchestrated such a miraculous provision.

What This Means

This story is a powerful reminder that there are things in our lives that only God can do. When we reach the end of our resources, God is just beginning to show His. He is not limited by our circumstances or our lack. When we place our trust in Him, He is faithful to provide in ways we could never imagine.

Think About This

What are the impossible situations in your life right now? Have you tried to solve them on your own? It might be time to step back and let God do what only He can do. Trust in His timing, and remember that nothing is too hard for the Lord.


Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us that with You, all things are possible. Help us to trust in Your power and to rely on Your provision in every area of our lives. May we always remember that You can do what no one else can. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.”
Matthew 19:26 (KJV)

The Akedah Faith

Opening Verse


“And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.” – Genesis 22:2 (KJV)


The story of Abraham and Isaac is one of the most profound demonstrations of faith and obedience in the Bible. Known as the Akedah, or the binding of Isaac, this event challenges us to reflect on our own faith and trust in God, especially when facing trials and tests.

Devotional Story

God called Abraham to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice. Despite the overwhelming difficulty of this command, Abraham obeyed without hesitation. He prepared to sacrifice Isaac, trusting that God’s plan, though mysterious, was ultimately good and right.

At the critical moment, as Abraham raised the knife, an angel of the Lord intervened, stopping him. God provided a ram as a substitute offering, demonstrating His provision and faithfulness. This act of sparing Isaac foreshadowed God’s ultimate plan of salvation.

What This Means

The Akedah teaches us that true faith involves absolute trust and obedience to God, even when His commands seem impossible to understand. Abraham’s unwavering faith exemplifies the kind of trust we should strive to have. God sometimes allows us to face severe trials to test our faith and obedience, but He always has a plan for our good.

In sparing Isaac, God pointed to a greater sacrifice that would come: the sacrifice of His only Son, Jesus Christ. Just as Abraham did not withhold his beloved son, God did not withhold His Son. Jesus was sacrificed to save us all, providing the ultimate demonstration of God’s love and faithfulness.

Think About This

– Do you trust God even when His plans are unclear?
– Are you willing to obey God’s commands, no matter how difficult they seem?
– How can you cultivate a faith that remains steadfast in the face of trials?
– Reflect on the parallel between Isaac’s sparing and Jesus’s sacrifice. How does this deepen your understanding of God’s love?


Heavenly Father, give us the strength to trust in Your plans completely. Help us to obey Your commands, even when they challenge us deeply. May our faith be as unwavering as Abraham’s, always believing that You are good and Your plans are perfect. Thank You for sparing Isaac and for sending Your only Son, Jesus, to be the ultimate sacrifice for our sins. Guide us and lead us on the path You have set before us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

 “And the angel of the LORD called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I. And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.” – Genesis 22:11-12 (KJV)*