Reflecting God’s Design

Opening Verse


“But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.”
– 1 Corinthians 11:3 (KJV)



God’s design for the family structure is clear: a man should lead with Christ as his example, and a woman should follow, reflecting her husband’s leadership. This order ensures harmony and godliness within the home and, by extension, society.

Devotional Story

John and Mary were a couple devoted to living according to God’s design. John worked diligently, always striving to reflect Christ in his actions and decisions. Mary, in turn, nurtured their children, teaching them the ways of the Lord and showing them love and care.

John’s leadership was evident in how he prayed for his family, made decisions with wisdom, and treated Mary with love and respect. Mary’s support was equally vital. She managed their home with grace and patience, ensuring their children grew up in a loving and godly environment.

Their home became a beacon of light in their community, demonstrating the beauty of God’s design for family roles. Their children, raised in such an environment, grew up to be respectful, kind, and devoted to the Lord, continuing the legacy of faith.

What This Means

When a man leads his family by reflecting Christ, his actions set a positive example for his wife and children. A woman’s role, centered on raising children and supporting her husband, is equally crucial. Her attitude and actions greatly influence the family’s spiritual and emotional well-being.

If a man fails to lead with Christ-like love and integrity, it can lead to a breakdown in the family structure. Likewise, if a woman acts spitefully, it affects the children and disrupts the family’s harmony. Therefore, both roles are essential in maintaining a godly home that glorifies God.

Think About This

– How can you, as a man, better reflect Christ in your leadership at home?
– As a woman, how can you support your husband and nurture your children in a way that honors God?
– What steps can you take together as a family to ensure Christ remains the center of your home?


Heavenly Father, help us to live according to Your design. May men lead with the love and integrity of Christ, and may women support and nurture their families with grace and patience. Let our homes reflect Your glory and be a testament to Your divine order. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 (KJV)