The Reward of Humility and Fear of the Lord

Opening Verse

“By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honour, and life.”
— Proverbs 22:4 (KJV)


The world tells us that success comes from ambition, self-promotion, and power. But God’s Word teaches the opposite. True blessings—riches, honor, and life—come not from pride, but from humility and a deep reverence for the Lord. Many seek after wealth but neglect the very things that bring lasting joy and fulfillment. Are you living with humility before God, or are you chasing after temporary rewards?

Devotional Story

A wealthy businessman stood at the peak of his career. He had everything—money, status, power. Yet, in the quiet of his soul, he felt empty. Despite all his success, peace eluded him.

One evening, he met an old friend who had once struggled in life but now radiated joy and contentment. “What changed?” the businessman asked.

The friend smiled and said, “I stopped chasing the world and started fearing the Lord. I humbled myself and gave my life to Him. That’s when I truly found riches, honor, and life.”

The businessman scoffed at first but couldn’t shake the words. He had spent his life seeking earthly riches but had no peace. That night, he knelt in prayer, humbling himself before God. For the first time, he felt a peace that money could never buy.

What This Means

God’s blessings don’t come through pride, self-reliance, or worldly ambition. They come through a heart surrendered to Him in humility and reverence. When we acknowledge that all we have comes from Him and live to please Him rather than the world, He grants us true riches—peace, contentment, and eternal rewards.

Think About This

  • Are you chasing after the world’s definition of success or God’s?
  • Do you fear the Lord and acknowledge Him in all your ways?
  • Are you willing to humble yourself before Him and trust in His provision?


Lord, I humble myself before You today. Teach me to fear You and walk in Your ways. Let me not chase after temporary riches but seek the true blessings that come from knowing You. Grant me a heart that honors You in all things. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he shall lift you up.”
— James 4:10 (KJV)

Righteous Beauty Never Fades

Opening Verse

“Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.”
Proverbs 31:30 (KJV)


The pursuit of beauty and favor is a tale as old as time. Yet, the Bible reminds us that these are fleeting and often deceptive. True beauty, rooted in righteousness and reverence for the Lord, is eternal. This kind of beauty doesn’t fade with time but grows brighter as it reflects God’s glory.

Devotional Story

In a quiet community, an elderly woman named Ruth was known for her radiant presence. Her hands bore the marks of years of service, and her face was lined with wisdom and kindness. Though she no longer possessed the youthful beauty that the world celebrates, she was regarded as the most beautiful woman in the village.

A young girl named Anna once asked her, “What’s your secret to being so beautiful?”

Ruth smiled gently and said, “Beauty fades when it’s built on things that pass away. But when your life is built on God’s love and righteousness, your beauty grows stronger with time. The more you reflect God’s light, the more others will see His beauty in you.”

Anna watched as Ruth lived her faith each day—praying fervently, serving selflessly, and offering words of encouragement to those in need. She realized that Ruth’s beauty came from her heart, her love for the Lord, and her unwavering righteousness.

Years later, Anna shared Ruth’s lesson with her own children, reminding them that righteous beauty never fades, because it’s anchored in God’s eternal glory.

What This Means

The beauty that comes from the fear of the Lord is a lasting beauty. It is not dependent on outward appearances but on the inner transformation of the heart. A life surrendered to God reflects His righteousness, and this is the kind of beauty that draws others to Christ.

Think About This

  • What does your life reflect—temporary charm or eternal righteousness?
  • How can you cultivate the beauty of righteousness in your daily walk with God?
  • What steps can you take to prioritize the inner beauty of your soul over outward appearance?


Lord, thank You for the reminder that true beauty is found in righteousness and the fear of You. Help us to live lives that reflect Your glory, showing the world that Your beauty never fades. Transform our hearts and make us vessels of Your love and grace, so that others may see You in us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.”
Psalm 92:12 (KJV)

You Can Be Technically Right but Spiritually Wrong

Opening Verse:

“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.”— Proverbs 14:12 (KJV)



Being right in the eyes of men doesn’t always mean you are right with God. Two biblical figures remind us of this lesson: Uzzah, who touched the Ark of the Covenant to steady it, and Simon the Sorcerer, who tried to buy the Holy Spirit’s power. Both thought they were doing something acceptable, but their hearts were far from right with God.

Devotional Story:

Uzzah’s story, found in 2 Samuel 6:6-7, is a sobering example. As the Ark of the Covenant was being transported, Uzzah reached out to steady it when the oxen stumbled. Although he might have believed he was protecting something holy, God struck him dead on the spot. His action seemed reasonable, but it violated God’s clear instructions about how the Ark was to be handled. Uzzah failed to recognize the holiness of God and the need to obey Him completely.

Similarly, in Acts 8:18-23, Simon the Sorcerer believed he could buy the power of the Holy Spirit after seeing the apostles perform miracles. He thought in human terms, where influence and power can be purchased, but his heart was not right before God. Peter rebuked him sharply, pointing out that Simon’s thoughts were poisoned by greed and self-interest.

Both Uzzah and Simon were technically “right” by human standards—they sought to do something that made sense in the moment. Yet, both were spiritually wrong because their hearts did not align with God’s will.

What This Means:

Being technically right, doing something that looks or feels correct, can be dangerous if we are not spiritually aligned with God’s will. God desires obedience and a heart that seeks Him above all. Uzzah’s mistake was in disregarding God’s instructions, and Simon’s was in thinking that the power of God could be manipulated for personal gain. Both stories teach us the importance of understanding God’s holiness and approaching Him with reverence and sincerity.

Think About This:

Are there areas in your life where you might be technically right but spiritually wrong? Are you seeking to honor God with not only your actions but your heart? Take time to examine your motives and align them with God’s will.


Heavenly Father, help me to walk in obedience and to understand Your holiness. Guide me to have a heart that seeks You above all else. May my actions be motivated by a desire to honor You, not by what seems right in my own eyes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse:

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.”— Psalm 111:10 (KJV)