Opening Verse
“But as one was felling a beam, the axe head fell into the water: and he cried, and said, Alas, master! for it was borrowed.” – 2 Kings 6:5 (KJV)
In our lives, we often encounter moments that seem insurmountable, challenges that appear as deep and as lost as an axe head in a river. The story from 2 Kings 6 reveals a profound truth about God’s care and intervention in our lives, even in what might seem like trivial matters.
Devotional Story
The sons of the prophets were expanding their living quarters, and in the process, a man’s borrowed axe head fell into the water. Distressed over the loss, especially since it was borrowed, he sought Elisha’s help. Elisha, moved by the man’s plea, cut down a stick, threw it into the water, and miraculously, the iron axe head floated to the surface. This act was not just about recovering a lost tool; it was a demonstration of God’s power and His concern for even the smallest details of our lives.
What This Means
The floating axe head is a testament to the fact that no problem is too small or too insignificant for God. He is concerned with every aspect of our lives, including those moments when we feel we’ve lost something valuable or when we’re facing a task that seems impossible. The miracle performed by Elisha is a reminder of God’s ability to recover and restore what was lost or seemed beyond reach.
Think About This
How often do we refrain from bringing our ‘small’ troubles to God, thinking they might be too trivial for His notice? This story encourages us to remember that God is interested in every detail of our lives. He is willing to intervene in ways that defy our understanding, turning our impossible situations into testimonies of His power and grace.
Lord, help us to remember that no concern is too small for Your attention. Teach us to trust in Your power to act in every situation we face, knowing that You are always with us, ready to offer Your help and guidance. Amen.
Closing Verse
“And the man of God said, Where fell it? And he shewed him the place. And he cut down a stick, and cast it in thither; and the iron did swim.” – 2 Kings 6:6 (KJV)