The Slither

Opening Verse

“I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.” – Revelation 3:15 (KJV)



Life is full of paths that twist and turn. Imagine being like a snake, moving left and right, never sticking to a straight line. This is how some of us live, never quite deciding where we stand, especially in our faith.


Devotional Story

Roy was a guy who could never make up his mind. At work, he was all business, but with friends, he was the life of the party. He never seemed to stick to one way of being; he changed like the weather. Because of this, Roy felt empty inside, no matter what he did or where he went.


One day, Roy’s neighbor, who always seemed peaceful and focused, invited him over for coffee. This neighbor explained that his peace came from following one clear path in life—the path laid out by God. He didn’t sway or wander off like a snake; he walked straight.


Inspired by his neighbor’s happiness and sense of purpose, Roy realized that it was time to stop zigzagging through life. He decided to follow a straight path, the path of his faith, and finally made a real commitment to live by God’s guidance.


What This Means

When we’re lukewarm, not really hot or cold about anything, especially our faith, we miss out on the full joy and peace that comes from being true to God.


Think About This

Do you ever find yourself acting like Roy, switching sides and never truly committing? How could firmly following God’s path change your life?



Lord, help us not to live like we’re just drifting wherever life takes us. Give us the strength to follow Your clear, straight path. Help us to commit to this journey with our whole hearts so we can find real happiness and purpose. We ask this in Jesus’ name, Amen.


Closing Verse

 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” – Matthew 6:33 (KJV)