Finding God’s Light

Opening Verse

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.” – Psalm 23:1 (KJV)


Life’s full of challenges. Sometimes, it feels like we’re trying to find our way through a storm. But, it’s in these moments we’re reminded to turn to God, not just for protection, but for direction and strength.

Devotional Story

Let’s talk about Mike. He’s just like any of us, trying to make it through his day-to-day. He’s got a job, a family, and a bunch of responsibilities that sometimes feel like they’re pulling him in a million directions. But Mike has something that keeps him grounded – his faith.

Mike learned that to navigate through life’s ups and downs, he needed to lean on God. He didn’t find this out in some grand moment of revelation; it was through the quiet moments of prayer, the times he chose to be kind, and his efforts to bring his family and friends together in love and understanding.

For Mike, God’s light wasn’t something he had to search the world for. It was in the little things: his morning prayers, his choice to forgive, his willingness to help others, and the peace that came with trusting God’s plan.

What This Means

Mike’s story shows us that God’s guidance is always with us, especially when we’re lost or facing tough times. It’s about seeing God’s hand in the everyday and knowing that His strength and love are what bring true harmony to our lives.

Think About This

Reflect on how you’ve seen God working in your life. How can you trust Him more in your daily struggles? Remember, it’s through connecting with God and others that we find our way and make sense of our challenges.


Lord, help us to see Your light in our everyday lives. Give us the strength to trust in You, the wisdom to find Your path, and the heart to bring others together in Your love. Amen.

Closing Verse

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.” – Psalm 23:4 (KJV)