Spiritual Frequency

Opening Verse

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” — Psalm 24:1, KJV


God’s creation is filled with wonders that reveal His wisdom and power. Among these marvels is the bee, a small yet essential creature in the ecosystem. Through a remarkable process called “buzz pollination,” bees adjust their buzz frequency to gather pollen from certain plants, ensuring the growth of the fruits and vegetables we enjoy. But beyond this, the bee’s actions can teach us a vital spiritual lesson.

Devotional Story

Bees are often seen flying from flower to flower, buzzing as they go. This buzz, however, is more than just a background noise; it’s a finely tuned tool that bees use to fulfill their purpose. When a bee encounters a flower that holds onto its pollen tightly, the bee adjusts the frequency of its buzz. This specific vibration shakes the pollen loose, enabling the bee to collect it and, in turn, pollinate other plants.

This ability to change its buzz frequency is a reminder of how God equips even the smallest of His creations with the tools they need to fulfill their roles. But it also serves as a powerful metaphor for our spiritual lives. Just as the bee must adjust its frequency to accomplish its task, we too must be sensitive to the ways God calls us to adjust our “spiritual frequency” to serve Him better.

What This Means

In our walk with God, there are times when He calls us to change, to adjust our lives, attitudes, or behaviors to align more closely with His will. Like the bee that alters its buzz to gather pollen, we are called to attune our hearts and minds to God’s voice. This might mean spending more time in prayer, studying His Word more diligently, or being more responsive to the needs of those around us.

When we adjust our spiritual frequency, we become more effective in the roles God has given us. We begin to see the fruits of our labor in our relationships, our ministries, and our personal walk with Christ. It’s in these moments of spiritual adjustment that God’s purposes are fulfilled through us, much like how the bee’s adjusted buzz allows plants to produce fruit.

Think About This

Are there areas in your life where God is calling you to make adjustments? How might changing your “spiritual frequency” help you fulfill the purpose God has for you? Consider the ways you can be more in tune with God’s will today.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the lessons we learn from Your creation. Help us to be sensitive to Your voice, willing to adjust our lives to align with Your will. Give us the wisdom to know when and how to change our spiritual frequency, so that we may serve You more effectively. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.” — Psalm 50:10, KJV

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