Recognizing God’s Signs

Opening Verse

 “For they that dwell at Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath day, they have fulfilled them in condemning him.”  – Acts 13:27 KJV



The people of Jerusalem, along with their leaders, failed to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Despite hearing the prophets’ words every Sabbath, they still played a part in fulfilling those very prophecies by condemning Him.


Devotional Story

Picture a man who receives letters from a loved one, filled with promises of a coming visit. He reads each letter with excitement but, when the loved one finally arrives, he does not recognize them and shuts the door. This man missed the very signs he had eagerly awaited.


In a similar way, we often hear God’s word and see His signs, yet fail to recognize His work in our lives. The people of Jerusalem heard the prophecies about the Messiah, but when Jesus came, they did not see Him for who He was. Their preconceived notions blinded them to the fulfillment of God’s promises right before their eyes.


What This Means

We, too, can miss God’s signs if we are not spiritually attentive. God’s voice speaks to us through His word, through circumstances, and through the inner promptings of the Holy Spirit. However, if we hold onto our own expectations or are distracted by the world, we can fail to see and hear Him.


To truly recognize God’s signs, we need to be in tune with Him. This means spending time in prayer, reading His word, and being open to the unexpected ways He might work. God’s plans are often different from our own, but they are always perfect.


Think About This

– Are you overlooking any signs from God in your life because they don’t match your expectations?

– How can you cultivate a heart and mind that are more receptive to God’s voice and signs?



Dear Lord, help us to be spiritually attentive and open to Your signs and voice. Remove any preconceived notions or distractions that hinder us from recognizing Your work in our lives. Give us the wisdom to see Your hand in every situation and the faith to trust in Your perfect plan. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Closing Verse

“The Lord hath made known his salvation: his righteousness hath he openly shewed in the sight of the heathen.”  – Psalms 98:2 KJV

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