God’s Gift of the Earth

Opening Verse

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” (Psalm 115:16, KJV)


In the vastness of creation, God has designated a special place for humanity. The heavens belong to Him, but the earth is our domain. This verse from Psalms highlights the immense trust and responsibility God has placed on us.

Devotional Story

Imagine a king with a magnificent kingdom. He has a grand palace where he resides, but he also has lush lands filled with resources, beauty, and potential. This king, in his wisdom and love, chooses to give a significant part of his kingdom to his subjects. He doesn’t just abandon them with it; he entrusts it to them, expecting them to care for it, cultivate it, and enjoy its fruits.

In the same way, God, the King of Heaven, has given the earth to us, His children. He trusts us with its care, its development, and its well-being. Every sunrise, every ocean wave, every tree, and every creature is a testament to His generous gift.

What This Means

God has shown His love and trust in us by giving us the earth. This gift is not just for our use, but for our stewardship. We are to take care of it, to nurture it, and to appreciate its beauty and resources. It’s a reminder of His provision and our responsibility.

Think About This

  • How do you view the earth and its resources?
  • Are there ways you can better care for the environment as part of your stewardship?
  • Reflect on the beauty of creation and how it points back to the Creator.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the earth. Help us to be good stewards of this amazing creation. Teach us to care for it and to appreciate the beauty and resources You’ve provided. May we honor You in how we use and protect this gift. Amen.

Closing Verse & Song

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1, KJV)

“Heavenly Lands” by Akedah

Heavens belong to God above
Earth He gave to show His love
Up in the sky where angels sing
Down here on earth His praises ring


[Verse 2]
Look at the stars shining bright
Reflecting His glorious light
Mountains rise and oceans roll
His handiwork whispers to our soul


Praise His name all ye lands
Lift your hearts lift your hands
From the highest peak to the deepest sea
His love endures eternally


[Verse 3]
Sunrise brings a brand new day
With each breath we kneel and pray
Fields of green and skies of blue
Every moment His mercy’s new


Sing out loud let voices soar
Worship Him forevermore
All creation joins the song
To the Lord we all belong


Praise His name all ye lands
Lift your hearts lift your hands
From the highest peak to the deepest sea
His love endures eternally


You are free to use this praise and worship song in churches and across all media platforms. This song is open source and can be distributed, performed, and shared without any restrictions. Please mention our website akedah.faith in the credits. God Bless!

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