Low Batteries

Opening Verse

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” – Matthew 11:28


Everyone experiences days when their energy feels completely depleted, similar to a device running on low batteries. Life’s demands can leave people feeling weary and burdened. Yet, hope and renewal are available through Christ.

Devotional Story

There was a woman named Sandra who, like many others, found herself caught in the rush of daily tasks. One day, as she hurried through her errands, she noticed her phone battery was critically low. This small moment sparked a reflection in her mind about how often people neglect to recharge their spiritual batteries.

Just like phones need charging, people need to stay connected to their source of power. For Sandra, and many others, that source is God. Without His strength and guidance, they can quickly become overwhelmed and exhausted by life’s challenges.

Sandra recalled a time when she was working tirelessly to meet deadlines and care for her family, only to feel completely worn out. It was during one of these low moments that a friend reminded her of the importance of spending time with God. The friend wisely said, “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

What This Means

People need to take regular breaks to connect with God, much like they charge their devices. Jesus invites everyone to come to Him when they are weary, promising rest and renewal. He is the ultimate source of strength and peace.

Think About This

  • Are you feeling spiritually drained today?
  • How often do you take time to recharge with God’s word and prayer?


Dear Lord, I come to You feeling weary and burdened. Please recharge my spirit and give me rest. Help me to remember to stay connected to You, my source of strength. Thank You for Your promise to give me rest. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” – Isaiah 40:31


Building Blocks in Life

Opening Verse

“For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.”
1 Corinthians 3:9 (KJV)


Life often presents us with various challenges and obstacles, which can feel like stumbling blocks on our journey. However, these blocks can also be seen as building blocks that God uses to shape and strengthen us.

Devotional Story

There was once a young man named Barry who dreamed of becoming an architect. He faced many setbacks: financial struggles, failed exams, and personal doubts. Each obstacle felt like a heavy block, weighing him down. Yet, Barry had faith that God was with him.

One day, while working on a construction site to earn some money, Barry noticed how each brick and stone, despite its rough edges and imperfections, contributed to the beauty and stability of the building. It struck him that his own struggles were like those bricks. Though they seemed insurmountable at times, each one was a necessary part of God’s design for his life.

Barry’s perspective changed. He began to see each challenge not as a roadblock but as a building block, essential for his growth and the fulfillment of his purpose. He prayed for strength and wisdom, trusting that God was the master builder of his life.

What This Means

Life’s difficulties can be overwhelming, but they also serve a greater purpose. Each challenge we face can be a building block that God uses to develop our character and faith. When we trust in God’s plan, we can see these blocks not as barriers but as stepping stones toward our destiny.

Think About This

  • Are there challenges in your life that feel like insurmountable blocks?
  • How can you view these challenges as building blocks that God is using for a greater purpose?
  • What steps can you take to trust in God’s plan and see the bigger picture?


Heavenly Father, thank You for being the master builder of our lives. Help us to see the challenges we face not as stumbling blocks but as building blocks that You use to strengthen and shape us. Give us the faith to trust in Your plan and the courage to persevere through difficulties. May we always remember that You are with us, guiding us every step of the way. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.”
Romans 8:28 (KJV)


Don’t Let Inconveniences Get You Down

Opening Verse

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 KJV


Life is full of inconveniences, both big and small. They can range from minor annoyances to constant disruptions that challenge our patience and faith. However, it’s important to remember that Jesus has overcome the world, and through Him, we can find peace and strength to rise above these difficulties.

Devotional Story

Liz was a dedicated teacher who loved her job. However, her daily commute was fraught with constant delays and traffic jams. Every day seemed to present a new obstacle, whether it was road construction, bad weather, or unexpected detours. These daily inconveniences began to wear her down, affecting her mood and outlook on life.

One morning, after an especially frustrating drive to work, Liz decided to take a moment to pray. She asked God for patience and a positive attitude despite the daily challenges. She remembered the verse from John 16:33 and took comfort in knowing that Jesus understood her struggles and had already overcome the world.

As the days went on, Liz perspective began to shift. Instead of focusing on the inconveniences, she started to look for the small blessings in her day—a kind gesture from a colleague, a beautiful sunrise, or a moment of peace during her drive. She realized that while she couldn’t control the traffic, she could control her response to it. With God’s help, Liz learned to face her daily challenges with a renewed sense of peace and gratitude.

What This Means

Inconveniences are a part of life, but they don’t have to control us. By shifting our focus and relying on God’s strength, we can rise above the daily challenges and find peace in the midst of chaos. Jesus has already overcome the world, and in Him, we can find the resilience to keep going, no matter what comes our way.

Think About This

  • What daily inconveniences challenge your patience and faith?
  • How can you change your perspective to see the small blessings in your day?
  • In what ways can you rely on God’s strength to overcome these challenges?


Dear Lord, thank You for Your promise of peace in the midst of tribulations. Help us to remember that You have overcome the world and that we can find strength in You. Teach us to see the blessings in our daily lives and to respond to inconveniences with patience and gratitude. Guide us to trust in Your plan and find comfort in Your presence. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.”
Colossians 3:15 KJV

Jesus Healing the Roman Soldier’s Servant

Opening Verse

“When Jesus heard it, he marvelled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.”
Matthew 8:10 KJV


In the New Testament, we find numerous examples of Jesus’ healing miracles. One particularly profound instance is when Jesus healed the servant of a Roman centurion. This story is not just about physical healing but also about faith and humility.

Devotional Story

A Roman centurion, an officer in the Roman army, had a servant who was very dear to him and gravely ill. Hearing about Jesus, the centurion sent some Jewish elders to Him, asking for His help. The elders pleaded earnestly with Jesus, saying that the centurion loved their nation and had even built their synagogue.

As Jesus set out towards the centurion’s house, another message arrived from the centurion. He expressed that he felt unworthy to have Jesus come under his roof. Instead, he believed that if Jesus simply spoke the word, his servant would be healed. He explained his understanding of authority, acknowledging Jesus’ supreme authority over illness.

Jesus was amazed by the centurion’s faith. He turned to the crowd following Him and declared that He had not found such great faith in all of Israel. Jesus then spoke the word, and the servant was healed at that very moment, even though Jesus never physically entered the centurion’s home.

What This Means

This story illustrates the power of faith and the authority of Jesus. The centurion’s belief in Jesus’ power was so strong that he trusted in a miracle without Jesus being physically present. It reminds us that Jesus’ power is not confined by space or proximity. Our faith, too, can move mountains and bring about miracles, even from a distance.

Think About This

  • How strong is your faith in Jesus’ power?
  • Do you trust that Jesus can work miracles in your life, even when you can’t see Him working?
  • How can you show humility and faith like the centurion in your daily walk with Christ?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the example of the centurion’s faith. Help us to trust in Your power and authority over every situation in our lives. May we always come to You with humility and confidence, believing that nothing is impossible for You. Strengthen our faith and help us to witness Your miraculous works in our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“And Jesus said unto the centurion, Go thy way; and as thou hast believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the selfsame hour.”
Matthew 8:13 KJV

The Enemy Doesn’t Want You in Church

Opening Verse


“Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.” – Hebrews 10:25 (KJV)


The church is a vital part of a Christian’s life, providing fellowship, support, and spiritual growth. Yet, there are many distractions and obstacles that can keep us from attending. These hindrances are not mere coincidences; they are deliberate attempts by the enemy to isolate us from our faith community.

Devotional Story

Sarah loved attending church every Sunday. It was a time for her to worship, learn, and connect with other believers. But lately, she noticed a pattern: every Sunday morning, something would come up. Her alarm wouldn’t go off, she’d feel unusually tired, or unexpected plans would arise. These constant disruptions started to weaken her resolve. One Sunday, determined to attend, she pushed through the excuses and made it to church. There, the sermon spoke directly to her situation, reminding her that these distractions were not just random but were efforts by the enemy to keep her from the blessings of gathering with fellow believers.

What This Means

The enemy understands the power of community and the strength we draw from being together in faith. He knows that in isolation, our struggles can feel insurmountable. Attending church is not just a routine; it’s a lifeline, a source of encouragement, and a place where we grow stronger in our faith. By recognizing these tactics, we can better prepare ourselves to overcome them and remain steadfast in our commitment to worship together.

Think About This

What obstacles have you faced that keep you from attending church? How can you prepare to overcome these challenges? Remember, the enemy wants to keep you isolated, but God wants you in fellowship with other believers.


Heavenly Father, I recognize the importance of gathering with my church family. Help me to see and overcome the obstacles that the enemy places in my path. Strengthen my resolve to attend church regularly and to encourage others to do the same. Thank You for the gift of community and the blessings that come from worshiping together. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse


“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:”
– Hebrews 10:24 (KJV)

The Voice of the Lord

Opening Verse

“The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.”
Psalm 29:4 (KJV)


The voice of the Lord carries a power and majesty beyond human comprehension. In this world filled with noise and distractions, it is essential to pause and listen for His voice.

What This Means

God’s voice is not drowned out by the world’s noise. Instead, it stands strong and majestic. We must intentionally seek moments of quiet to hear Him, understanding that His voice brings peace, guidance, and reassurance.

Think About This

  • How often do you find time to be silent and listen for God’s voice?
  • What changes can you make in your daily routine to create space for hearing Him?


Heavenly Father, help us to quiet our hearts and minds to hear Your powerful and majestic voice. Amidst the chaos of life, remind us to seek Your presence and listen for Your guidance. Thank You for speaking to us with authority and love. Amen.

Closing Verse & Song

“The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.”
Psalm 29:4 (KJV)

“The Voice of the Lord” By Akedah

The voice of the Lord is strong
Powerful and clear
In the storm it rides along
In the still we hear
[Verse 2]
The voice of the Lord brings peace
Over waves and seas
In His name all worries cease
Heart and soul are free
Sing out
The voice of the Lord
Let His praise be heard
Feel His mighty word
[Verse 3]
The voice breaks the cedars tal
l Mountains bow and fall
In His name we stand in awe
Hear His righteous call
In the quiet and the loud
His voice fills the air
Every knee and head be bowed
In His love we share
Sing out
The voice of the Lord
Let His praise be heard
Feel His mighty word


You are free to use this praise and worship song in churches and across all media platforms. This song is open source and can be distributed, performed, and shared without any restrictions. Please mention our website akedah.faith in the credits. God Bless!

God’s Gift of the Earth

Opening Verse

“The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.” (Psalm 115:16, KJV)


In the vastness of creation, God has designated a special place for humanity. The heavens belong to Him, but the earth is our domain. This verse from Psalms highlights the immense trust and responsibility God has placed on us.

Devotional Story

Imagine a king with a magnificent kingdom. He has a grand palace where he resides, but he also has lush lands filled with resources, beauty, and potential. This king, in his wisdom and love, chooses to give a significant part of his kingdom to his subjects. He doesn’t just abandon them with it; he entrusts it to them, expecting them to care for it, cultivate it, and enjoy its fruits.

In the same way, God, the King of Heaven, has given the earth to us, His children. He trusts us with its care, its development, and its well-being. Every sunrise, every ocean wave, every tree, and every creature is a testament to His generous gift.

What This Means

God has shown His love and trust in us by giving us the earth. This gift is not just for our use, but for our stewardship. We are to take care of it, to nurture it, and to appreciate its beauty and resources. It’s a reminder of His provision and our responsibility.

Think About This

  • How do you view the earth and its resources?
  • Are there ways you can better care for the environment as part of your stewardship?
  • Reflect on the beauty of creation and how it points back to the Creator.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of the earth. Help us to be good stewards of this amazing creation. Teach us to care for it and to appreciate the beauty and resources You’ve provided. May we honor You in how we use and protect this gift. Amen.

Closing Verse & Song

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” (Psalm 24:1, KJV)

“Heavenly Lands” by Akedah

Heavens belong to God above
Earth He gave to show His love
Up in the sky where angels sing
Down here on earth His praises ring


[Verse 2]
Look at the stars shining bright
Reflecting His glorious light
Mountains rise and oceans roll
His handiwork whispers to our soul


Praise His name all ye lands
Lift your hearts lift your hands
From the highest peak to the deepest sea
His love endures eternally


[Verse 3]
Sunrise brings a brand new day
With each breath we kneel and pray
Fields of green and skies of blue
Every moment His mercy’s new


Sing out loud let voices soar
Worship Him forevermore
All creation joins the song
To the Lord we all belong


Praise His name all ye lands
Lift your hearts lift your hands
From the highest peak to the deepest sea
His love endures eternally


You are free to use this praise and worship song in churches and across all media platforms. This song is open source and can be distributed, performed, and shared without any restrictions. Please mention our website akedah.faith in the credits. God Bless!

What Is Man?

Opening Verse

“What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” – Psalms 8:4 KJV



Have you ever looked up at the night sky and felt small? The vastness of the universe can make us feel insignificant. Yet, God, the Creator of all, is mindful of us. This verse from Psalms 8:4 brings a profound sense of awe and humility.


Devotional Story

There was a man named David who was a shepherd. As he watched over his sheep at night, he would gaze up at the stars and marvel at the greatness of God. Despite being a king later in life, David never forgot those moments under the stars. He wrote Psalms to express his amazement at God’s attention to us.


One night, David reflected on the heavens and the moon and the stars, which God ordained. Amidst such grandeur, he wondered why God would care for humankind. It struck him deeply that the same God who created the stars cared intimately for him and every other person.


What This Means

This verse reminds us of God’s incredible love and attention. Despite the immensity of His creation, God values each one of us. He knows us individually and cares about our lives. This realization should bring comfort and a sense of worth.


Think About This

– Reflect on a time you felt small in the face of something vast. How did you feel?

– Consider how it feels knowing that the Creator of the universe is mindful of you personally.

– How can you live in a way that acknowledges and honors God’s attention to you?



Heavenly Father, thank You for being mindful of me. Even though I am small in the grand scheme of creation, Your love and care for me are immense. Help me to always remember my worth in Your eyes and to live in a way that honors You. Amen.


Closing Verse


“For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.” – Psalms 8:5 KJV


Humility and Love

Opening Verse

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.
Philippians 2:3-4 KJV


In our fast-paced world, the virtues of humility and selflessness often get overshadowed by the pursuit of personal gain and recognition. However, as followers of Christ, we are called to live differently. The Bible teaches us to consider others above ourselves and to act with genuine love and humility.

Devotional Story

There was a man named James who worked in a busy office. James was known for his exceptional skills and efficiency, often receiving praise and awards for his work. Despite his success, James always remained humble. He never sought the spotlight, and he was always quick to help his colleagues, even when it wasn’t his responsibility.

One day, a new employee named Alex joined the team. Alex struggled to keep up with the workload and felt overwhelmed. Noticing this, James quietly offered his assistance. He spent extra hours mentoring Alex, sharing his knowledge, and providing support without expecting anything in return.

James’ actions made a significant impact on Alex. Over time, Alex not only improved in his work but also adopted James’ humble and caring attitude. The entire office noticed the positive change and began to follow James’ example of humility and selflessness.

What This Means

The story of James reminds us that humility and love have the power to transform lives. By putting others first and serving without seeking recognition, we reflect the character of Christ. Philippians 2:3-4 encourages us to look beyond our own interests and care for the needs of others. This selfless attitude fosters unity and love within our communities.

Think About This

  • How can you demonstrate humility in your daily interactions?
  • Are there opportunities where you can help others without seeking recognition?
  • Reflect on a time when someone showed you kindness and humility. How did it affect you?


Heavenly Father, thank You for the perfect example of humility and love in Jesus Christ. Help us to live selflessly, putting others’ needs before our own. Grant us the grace to serve with a humble heart and to seek the well-being of those around us. May our actions reflect Your love and bring glory to Your name. Amen.

Closing Verse

“But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.”
Matthew 23:11 KJV

Knowing the Only True God

Opening Verse

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”
John 17:3 (KJV)


In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. We chase after success, possessions, and recognition, often forgetting the essence of our existence. John 17:3 brings us back to the core purpose of life: knowing God and Jesus Christ.

Devotional Story

There was a man named James who had everything the world could offer—wealth, power, and fame. Yet, he felt an emptiness that none of his achievements could fill. One day, while flipping through an old Bible, he stumbled upon John 17:3. The verse struck him deeply, and he realized that despite all his success, he didn’t know God.

James decided to embark on a journey to know the only true God. He started reading the Bible daily, praying earnestly, and seeking fellowship with other believers. As he grew in his relationship with God, he found a joy and peace that surpassed all his previous experiences. The emptiness in his heart was filled, not by worldly things, but by the presence of Jesus Christ.

What This Means

John 17:3 teaches us that eternal life is not just about living forever; it’s about a relationship with God and Jesus Christ. This relationship gives us a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment than anything the world can offer. Knowing God transforms our lives, filling us with His love, joy, and peace.

Think About This

  • Do you know God and Jesus Christ personally, or are you merely aware of them?
  • What steps can you take today to deepen your relationship with God?
  • How can knowing God change your perspective on life’s challenges?


Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of eternal life through knowing You and Jesus Christ. Help us to seek You earnestly and grow in our relationship with You. Fill our hearts with Your love and peace, and guide us in all our ways. Amen.

Closing Verse

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”
John 17:3 (KJV)