A Step Ahead in Wisdom

Opening Verse

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.” – Psalms 111:10, KJV


In life, being a step ahead in wisdom can make all the difference. David, the shepherd boy who became king, understood this well. He didn’t just rely on his strength or talents; he sought God’s wisdom in every area of his life—whether in battle, leadership, or personal conduct. We too can learn to be wise, covering ourselves in business, work, and personal life.

Scripture Analysis

David’s life offers many examples of wisdom in action. When facing Goliath, he didn’t just charge forward blindly; he carefully chose five smooth stones, each representing preparedness and foresight (1 Samuel 17:40). His wisdom was not just in the physical preparation but in understanding that the battle was the Lord’s. David sought God’s counsel before making major decisions, ensuring that he was aligned with God’s will.

Personal Reflection

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you wished you had been better prepared? Like David, we can cover ourselves by seeking wisdom from God in every aspect of our lives. This isn’t about outsmarting others, but about being diligent, thoughtful, and prayerful in all that we do. When we align our steps with God’s guidance, we naturally find ourselves ahead—not by our own doing, but by His grace.

Practical Application

Start each day by asking God for wisdom in your work, business, and personal decisions. Take time to plan and prepare, just as David did when he selected his stones. Be mindful in your dealings, always considering how your actions align with God’s word. In business, be ethical and strategic; in work, be diligent and proactive; in your personal life, be honest and reflective. This kind of wisdom keeps you not just a step ahead, but securely in God’s will.

Spiritual Encouragement

Being wise like David doesn’t mean we’ll never face challenges, but it does mean that we’re prepared when they come. Trust that when you seek God’s wisdom, He will guide your steps, keeping you covered and ahead of the curve in every area of life.

Closing Verse

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”
James 1:5, KJV

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