The Precision of God’s Plan

Opening Verse


“Among all this people there were seven hundred chosen men lefthanded; every one could sling stones at an hair breadth, and not miss.”
— Judges 20:16, KJV



In the Bible, God often raises up individuals with unique skills and abilities to fulfill His purposes. In Judges 20:16, we read about a group of left-handed warriors from the Tribe of Benjamin who were so skilled with a sling that they could hit a target with hair-splitting precision. This may seem like a minor detail, but it shows us that God can use anyone with their specific abilities to accomplish great things.

Devotional Story

The tribes of Israel found themselves in a serious conflict with the Tribe of Benjamin. Tensions had escalated, and now a civil war was about to erupt. But among the Benjamites, there were 700 chosen men, all left-handed, who were renowned for their incredible accuracy with a sling. These men were so skilled that they could strike a target without missing, even by the width of a hair.

Imagine the precision, the countless hours of practice, and the dedication it took to master such a skill. These men weren’t born with this ability; they had honed their craft over time. In the heat of battle, their talent was a great asset, but it was also a reflection of their commitment to using what they had been given to the fullest.

Though this story takes place during a dark time of war and division, it shows how God equips people with unique skills. Even in the midst of conflict, these warriors were part of God’s plan. Their left-handedness, something that might have been seen as different or unusual, became a strength. They were chosen, set apart, and used in a significant way.

What This Means

God has given each of us specific talents and abilities, and He wants us to use them for His glory. Like the left-handed warriors of Benjamin, we may feel different or even inadequate at times, but God can take our uniqueness and turn it into something powerful. Whether it’s precision in a skill, a heart for service, or a gift for encouragement, God has equipped us for a purpose. When we dedicate ourselves to His plan, even the smallest detail of our lives can be used for His kingdom.

Think About This

What unique abilities has God given you? How can you use those talents to serve others and bring glory to God? Remember, even something as simple as the ability to hit a target with precision can become an instrument in the hands of God.


Lord, thank You for the gifts and abilities You have given me. Help me to use them faithfully and to recognize that even the smallest skills can be used for Your purposes. Teach me to trust that You have a plan for my life and that every detail matters to You. May I serve You with excellence and dedication, just as the warriors of Benjamin did. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established.”
— Proverbs 16:3, KJV



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