The Scent of Sin

Opening Verse

“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” – Romans 12:2


Just as we can carry the scent of a busy kitchen or the smoke from a campfire, our lives can carry the scent of our actions and choices. Sometimes, we don’t notice how much we’ve been influenced by our surroundings until we step away and see the residue they’ve left on us.

Devotional Story

Imagine walking into a busy gas station with a deli at the back. The air is thick with the smell of fried chicken, and before you know it, the smell has clung to your clothes. Your hair feels greasy, and your face sticky. Everywhere you go after that, you carry the smell with you. It’s not just a smell; it’s a reminder of where you’ve been.

Living in sin can be a lot like that. It’s easy to become so accustomed to the negative influences in our lives that we don’t even notice the ‘smell’ they’re leaving on us. But just like that aroma of fried food, the residue of our choices sticks around, affecting everything we do and every place we go.

What This Means

When we live in ways that aren’t aligned with God’s word, we end up ‘smelling’ like the world. Our thoughts, actions, and attitudes start to reflect the negative influences we’ve been around, rather than the freshness of God’s spirit.

Think About This

Have you ever stopped to notice what you ‘smell’ like? Are there habits, places, or people in your life that are covering you with an aroma that isn’t pleasant in God’s nostrils? What steps can you take today to ‘change your clothes’ and freshen up?


Dear Lord, thank You for Your forgiveness and cleansing. Help me to recognize the scent of sin and give me the strength to step away from influences that tarnish my spirit. Renew me, Lord, and let my life be a sweet aroma to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Closing Verse

“But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57

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